BioGrow Finalsan Weed Killer


  • Finalsan is a broad-spectrum organic weed killer that effectively controls common annual weeds, moss, and algae.
  • It is a non-selective herbicide that works quickly and efficiently to eliminate unwanted vegetation.
  • The active ingredient in Finalsan is ammoniated soap of fatty acids (220g/ℓ), which is derived from natural sources.
  • Finalsan is a non-toxic and eco-friendly option for weed control that is safe for use around pets and wildlife.
  • For best results, Finalsan should be applied to young, actively growing weeds that are less than 12cm in height.
  • The effect on weeds, moss, and algae will be visible within a few hours to 2 days.
  • Finalsan can also be used to control algae and moss on driveways and patios.
  • It is easy to apply and can be used in both commercial and residential settings.


Finalsan is a broad-spectrum organic weed killer that effectively controls common annual weeds, moss, and algae. It is a non-selective herbicide that works quickly and efficiently to eliminate unwanted vegetation.

The active ingredient in Finalsan is ammoniated soap of fatty acids (220g/ℓ), which is derived from natural sources. It is a non-toxic and eco-friendly option for weed control that is safe for use around pets and wildlife.

For best results, Finalsan should be applied to young, actively growing weeds that are less than 12cm in height. The effect on weeds, moss, and algae will be visible within a few hours to 2 days.

Finalsan can also be used to control algae and moss on driveways and patios. It is easy to apply and can be used in both commercial and residential settings.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

500ml, 5L, 25L


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